Introduction To CSS πŸ’ƒπŸΏπŸ’ƒπŸΏ

Introduction To CSS πŸ’ƒπŸΏπŸ’ƒπŸΏ

Let's dive into CSS


3 min read

Hey guys!
Finally, we are going to dive into CSS!

Firstly, what is CSS
It stands for Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is optional, but it transforms a dull-looking HTML page into something beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. It attracts users to websites and ensures they stay on those websites.

Let's begin!
Firstly, there are 3 ways to add a CSS into an HTML:

  1. In-line CSS: Adding CSS using style attribute usually for a particular tag.
  2. Internal CSS: This is using the style tag.
  3. External CSS: Adding a stylesheet to a CSS using a style tag.
    They are easier to read and mostly used in programming websites.

They are used to target specific elements.
They are:
i. id-which is represented by (#)

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ii. class- which is represented by (.)

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Please note: These selectors are case-sensitive.

There is also a universal selector, denoted by(*)

Here are some rules of CSS,
LAST RULE: If 2 selectors are identical, the latter of the 2 will take precendence
SPECIFIC RULE: If you use a more specific selector than a general selector, the specific one will take precedence.
INHERITANCE RULE: Once you put something in the body, all the things under it will be the same except if you use the (!important) tag.

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Div Tag
The (div) tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The (div) tag is used as a container for the HTML element.
Using CSS, we can add colors to our website, using: background color and color.
We also use a hex code and RGB values
Opacity can be used for transparency
1- not transparent
0-completely transparent

Hue, saturation, and lightness or hsl can determine how bright, dull or saturated

We can add fonts as well using font-family.
The following properties are used to style fonts:

  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • text-shadow


  • line-height
  • word-spacing
  • text-transform
  • text-align
  • text indent
  • text-transform
  • text-decoration

Screenshot 2021-05-30 105608.png The text-transform property accepts the following values:

capitalization: Transforms the first character in each word to uppercase.
lowercase: Transforms all characters to lowercase.
none: Produces no capitalization effect at all.
uppercase: Transforms all characters to uppercase.

The text-decoration property accepts the following values:

none βˆ’ No decoration should be added to the inline text.
underline βˆ’ An underline is drawn beneath the inline text.
overline βˆ’ An overline is drawn above the inline text.
line-through βˆ’ A line should be drawn through the middle of the inline text.

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That's all for the introduction to CSS!
Thank you for reading!
Till next time!πŸ₯°πŸ₯°